Core Training That Can Be Practiced "Laying Down at Home" for Runners

5 min read
If you’re a runner, you know that there are certain core exercises that can help improve your running performance and decrease your risk of injuries. But who has time to go to the gym to do all of those exercises?
The good news is that there are plenty of core exercises that can be done right at home, without any equipment. Here are some of the best core exercises for runners that can be done laying down:
Core Training That Can Be Practiced “Laying Down at Home” for Runners
Core training has gained more and more attention from fitness enthusiasts in recent years. There is even a very exaggerated statement in the gym: an unstable core is equivalent to practicing in vain.

In fact, core training plays an important role in reducing fat, shaping, and improving sports performance. If the core function is poor, it will not only affect the efficiency of exercise but also easily cause compensation and damage.

Today, I will share with you 10 golden core exercises that you can practice while lying down at home! Let everyone exercise at home.
Lateral arch bridge

Lie on the ground on your right side with your legs straight, your right palm on the floor, and your feet stacked side by side. Straighten the right arm so that the right hand is directly under the right shoulder and place the other hand on the opposite shoulder.
Hold the pose for a few seconds, then repeat the process with the other side of your body.
Push up

Lie prone on the floor with your hands on the floor next to your ears. The lower part of your ribcage is in contact with the floor while slowly using your elbows or hands to lift your torso off the floor, extending your back.
Hold the movement for the length of two breaths, then return to the starting position. The action is repeated several times.
Swim core training

Swim training focuses on the core muscles of the abdomen (transversus abdominis and rectus abdominis) and lower back (erector spine).
Lie on your stomach on the ground, tighten your abs and lower back muscles, and lift your shoulders and legs off the ground.
Keeping the tension, swing your arms and legs up and down at the same time, repeating the action several times or maintaining a certain period of time (30 to 60 seconds).
Lie on your back with elbows and knees close together

Lie on your back on the floor with your knees bent 90 degrees. Make fists with both hands and place them on either side of your ears. Lift your upper back slightly off the ground, keeping your abdominal muscles in constant tension. Move your right knee toward your left elbow, trying to make them touch each other.
Then bring your right leg and left elbow back to the starting position and bring your right elbow and left knee together in the same way.
Continue this movement, alternating left and right, like pedaling a bicycle, and repeat several times.
Reverse Crunch

Lie on your back on the floor with your legs bent. Cross your arms in front of your chest. Lift your upper back slightly off the ground to maintain constant tension on the target muscle.
Lift your knees toward your chest and bend your knees 90 degrees. Squeeze your abs, raise your hips slightly off the ground, and lift your legs in the process. Return the body to the starting position and repeat the movement several times.
Russian Swivel

Sit on the ground with your body at a 40-degree angle to the ground, with your knees bent.
Keep your arms straight in front of your body, palms facing each other, and your core parallel to the floor. Keeping your lower body steady, turn your shoulders to the side while keeping your feet on the floor.
Rotate back to midpoint and repeat on the other side. Alternate on both sides and repeat the action several times.
Supine Alternate Leg Raise

Supine alternating leg raises mainly train the abdominal muscles and hip flexors. Lie on your back on the ground, tighten your abs so your lower back is flat on the ground, and pull your shoulder blades up off the ground.
Lift your legs off the ground and swing your legs up and down alternately at a certain speed, taking care to start swinging your legs from your hips rather than your knees.
Repeat the movement several times, or as many times as possible in 60-90 seconds with good form.
Scissor Supine Alternate Leg Raise

Lie on your back on the ground; contract your abs and lift your shoulders and legs off the ground. Keeping your legs straight, swing your legs from your hips, crossing your legs like scissors from your midline.
Maintain good posture and repeat the action several times or hold for a certain period of time.

Superman training is used to develop the strength of the lower back muscles, glutes and hamstrings.
Lie on your stomach with your arms straight in front of your body. Squeeze your glutes and hamstrings and lift your shoulders off the ground as you lift your legs off the ground. Hold the air position for 1 second, then slowly lower your arms and legs back to the ground.
Gently place your toes and arms on the ground and repeat the action several times or hold for a certain amount of time.
Jackknife pinch

The jackknife is a core-strengthening exercise similar to a barbell plate, except that the jackknife alternates the opposite arm and leg. Lie on your back on the floor with your arms and legs straight.
Lift your shoulders and one leg off the ground, turning slightly so that the straight arm and the opposite foot touch the top.
Alternate on both sides, the action is repeated several times or maintained for a certain period of time.
There are a few core exercises that runners can do at home to help improve their running. These include planks, sit-ups, and crunches.
Doing these exercises regularly, runners can help improve their running form and speed.