How To Start Regular Training For Runners

How To Start Regular Training For Runners

Chris Atila

5 min read

Running is one of the most accessible and effective ways to stay fit and healthy. Whether you’re a complete beginner or someone looking to establish a more consistent running routine, starting regular training can seem daunting. But with the right approach, you can build a habit that will keep you motivated and on track.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to start regular training for runners.

Why Regular Running is Important

Consistency is key in any fitness journey, and running is no exception. Regular running helps you build endurance, improve cardiovascular health, and maintain a healthy weight. Moreover, it enhances your mental well-being, reduces stress, and boosts your mood.

Whether you’re training for a marathon or simply want to stay active, a regular running routine can help you achieve your fitness goals.

Step 1: Set Clear Goals

Before you lace up your running shoes, it’s essential to define your goals. Are you training for a race? Looking to lose weight? Or simply wanting to improve your overall fitness? Clear goals will keep you motivated and focused.

What are you trying to achieve by exercising? Are you trying to lose weight, build muscle, or just be healthier? Once you know your goals, you can start to figure out how much exercise you should be doing. If you are trying to lose weight, you will need to do more exercise than someone who is just trying to be healthier. This is because you need to burn more calories than you are taking in.

Don’t forget what promise you made to yourself for this new year. I understand that most of you have promised that starting January 2nd, you will eat healthier or move more. I’m not going to ask how many of you have already broken it, just give some tips to guide you no matter what your weight and exercise goals are.

  • Short-term goals: These can be daily or weekly targets, like running for 20 minutes three times a week.
  • Long-term goals: These could be running a 5K, 10K, or even a marathon within a few months.

Step 2: Start Slow

One of the biggest mistakes new runners make is starting too fast. This can lead to burnout or injury. Instead, start slow and gradually increase your pace and distance.

For starters, try to follow a plan that includes easy steps and goals, and then you can continue to build on it. This way, you will be more successful and motivated in the process.

Create a schedule that is easy to implement in your daily life, this will turn regular training into a lasting routine.

  • Beginner Tip: Start with a walk/run approach. For example, alternate between 2 minutes of running and 1 minute of walking. Gradually increase the running intervals as your fitness improves.
  • Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to any discomfort or pain. It’s better to slow down or rest than push through and risk injury.

Step 3: Invest in Proper Gear

Running doesn’t require much equipment, but having the right gear can make a big difference. Invest in a good pair of running shoes that suit your foot type and running style. Consider moisture-wicking clothing to keep you comfortable, especially during longer runs.

  • Running Shoes: Visit a specialized store for a gait analysis to find the perfect fit.
  • Clothing: Look for lightweight, breathable fabrics that prevent chafing.

Step 4: Follow a Structured Training Plan

A structured training plan helps you stay on track and ensures gradual progress. If you’re a beginner, consider starting with a Couch to 5K program, which is designed to take you from walking to running a 5K in just a few weeks.

  • Sample Plan:
    • Week 1-2: 20-30 minutes of walk/run intervals, 3 times a week.
    • Week 3-4: Increase running intervals and reduce walking time.
    • Week 5-6: Run continuously for 20-30 minutes.

Step 5: Incorporate Strength Training and Flexibility

Running is excellent for cardiovascular fitness, but incorporating strength training and flexibility exercises can help prevent injuries and improve performance.

  • Strength Training: Focus on exercises that target the legs, core, and glutes. Examples include squats, lunges, and planks.
  • Flexibility: Incorporate stretching or yoga into your routine to improve flexibility and reduce muscle soreness.

Step 6: Stay Motivated and Track Progress

Staying motivated can be challenging, especially when you’re just starting. Here are some tips to keep you going:

  • Track Your Runs: Use a running app or a journal to record your distance, time, and how you felt. This will help you see your progress over time.
  • Join a Running Group: Running with others can make the experience more enjoyable and keep you accountable.
  • Celebrate Milestones: Reward yourself when you hit a milestone, whether it’s running your first mile without stopping or completing a race.

Step 7: Prioritize Recovery

Recovery is just as important as the run itself. Proper recovery helps prevent injuries and ensures you’re ready for your next run.

Running Man
Running Man
  • Rest Days: Include at least one or two rest days per week to allow your muscles to recover.
  • Sleep: Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night to support muscle repair and overall health.
  • Nutrition: Fuel your body with a balanced diet that includes protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats. Hydration is also crucial, so drink plenty of water before and after your runs.

1. Stay hydrated – drinking fluids throughout the day is extremely important to maintaining healthy hydration levels. Drink some fluids during exercise to help your body work better, and also after an exercise for successful recovery.

2. Optimize your nutrition – a balanced diet goes hand in hand with training. For excellent results during training, you need all the food groups. Carbohydrates give you energy before a workout, and after a workout, they restore glycogen stores and help your muscles absorb amino acids while you recover. Proteins build muscle mass, reduce tissue damage, and

Tip: Before running start with walking


Starting a regular running routine doesn’t have to be overwhelming. By setting clear goals, starting slow, investing in the right gear, following a structured plan, and prioritizing recovery, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a consistent runner.

Remember, the key is to stay patient and enjoy the journey.

If you follow these tips, you’ll be on your way to becoming a regular runner in no time!

Happy running!