Best time to run every day? Pros and Cons

Best time to run every day? Pros and Cons

Chris Atila

6 min read

In order to have an effective workout, you need to be doing the right exercises for your body type. If you’re not sure what exercises are right for you, there are a few things you can look for to see if your workout isn’t right for you.

Best Time to Run Every Day: Pros and Cons

Best time to run every day: around 5 p.m.

According to the regulation principle of the human body clock, the adaptability of the body and the mobilization of physical strength are best in the afternoon and close to the evening (about 4:00 to 6:00). At this time, most people are calm and stable in spirit, full of physical strength, and flexible in technical activities. Coordination, accuracy, and adaptability are all in the best state, so running during this time period is also quite a good choice.

A study published by the University of Chicago Clinical Research Center on the 20th reported that the body’s biological clock plays a more important role in the body’s response to exercise than previously thought. The results may change the way people exercise in the morning.

The research center conducted a study on the response of the body (hormone levels) to exercise in different time periods of the day in 40 men aged 30 to 40. The results found that in the two time periods of night and night, the key substances of human metabolism hormones are affected. Physical exercise responds most strongly.

”During the night or night, cortisol, which is associated with fat metabolism, and thyroid-stimulating hormone, which is associated with muscle repair, rise sharply (in blood),” said the University of Chicago researchers.

For example, blood tests performed in the morning after an hour of intense exercise on a treadmill showed hormone levels comparable to those on bed rest during the same period, the researchers said. After doing the same exercise from 7:00 pm to 2:00 am the next day, hormone levels were much higher than in other time periods. This suggests that the body’s hormonal response to exercise at different time periods is controlled by the biological clock or circadian rhythm.

”It’s too early to conclude that exercising at one time period is better than another, but we were surprised that the hormonal response to exercise was time-dependent,” the researchers said. The circadian clock seems to play an important role in the response.”

Previously, experts generally believed that the morning was the best time to exercise to lose weight, but the results of this study may change this view and think that exercise in the evening is more appropriate.

Morning run

The temperature in the morning is cool and comfortable, there are few people, and it can promote the metabolism of the day. The adrenaline and endorphins produced during exercise help to awaken the vitality of the body, which can make us feel happy and strengthen the working spirit in our body!

Morning run
Morning run

And most people are still sleeping during this time period, and there is always an inexplicable chicken soup that comes to mind: the harder you work, the luckier you get… How terrible is a self-disciplined person…

When we wake up in the morning, our body’s functions have not yet fully awakened. When we sleep, the body temperature drops, and the muscle groups are all stiff. We must do stretching exercises! Moreover, the gastrointestinal function has not yet awakened. At this time, eating will cause a great burden on the stomach, but running on an empty stomach will affect the intensity and effect of exercise.

Morning Run Pros:

  • Boost in Energy: Running in the morning can kickstart your day with a burst of energy and enhance mental alertness.
  • Metabolism Boost: Morning runs can boost your metabolism and help you burn more calories throughout the day.
  • Consistent Routine: Establishing a morning running routine can help you stay consistent with your training and make it a habit.

Morning Run Cons:

  • Muscle Stiffness: Some individuals may experience muscle stiffness and reduced flexibility in the morning, leading to a slower start.
  • Time Constraints: For those with busy morning schedules, finding time for a run before work or other commitments can be challenging.

As the saying goes, getting up early is a foolish day. To be able to get up early, you must have a strong will, such as making money.

Morning run
Morning run

Midday Run Pro

Midday Run Pros:

  • Break in the Day: A midday run can serve as a refreshing break in the day, helping to relieve stress and improve focus.
  • Optimal Temperature: Running in moderate temperatures during midday can be more comfortable than running in extreme heat or cold.

Midday Run Cons:

  • Time Management: Balancing work or other responsibilities with a midday run may require careful time management.
  • Digestive Issues: Some individuals may experience digestive discomfort during midday runs due to meal timings.

Evening Run

Evening RunPros:

  • Stress Relief: Running in the evening can help alleviate stress accumulated throughout the day and promote relaxation.
  • Improved Performance: Body temperature tends to be higher in the evening, potentially leading to better performance in workouts.

Evening Run Cons:

  • Sleep Disruption: High-intensity evening runs close to bedtime may interfere with sleep quality for some individuals.
  • Safety Concerns: Running in the evening may pose safety risks due to decreased visibility and potential distractions.

Night run

Night run
Night run

Pros:: This time is the opposite of the early morning. The various functions of our human body are also most active at night. Even if it is a high-intensity exercise, of course it is not a problem! And you don’t have to get up early~ just take advantage of this time to release all the stress of the day!

This time period is just enough to consume the energy that was eaten in the stomach for a day. Rounding up is equal to not eating, and it has passed the mouth addiction. It is really beautiful! (Dream!) But everyone knows that it is not suitable to exercise after eating, and it is still necessary to wait for half an hour to digest before going for a run ~

Disadvantage: It’s still a matter of time. If you want to keep running at night, you have to give up some evening activities, such as parties, rest, and even overtime… It seems that time management is a skill!

The sight at night will be worse than that in the daytime. For beautiful girls like us, it is not safe to be alone at night. And the air at night is not as refreshing as in the morning… The most terrifying thing is that the night market at night is too unsafe! I was hooked if I didn’t pay attention (swallowing saliva)



If you’re working out hard and not seeing results, it could be that your workout isn’t actually the problem. Maybe you are doing the same workout day in and day out, or you’re not challenging yourself enough.

The best way to find out if your workout isn’t right for you is to talk to a personal trainer or fitness coach who can help you figure out what you need to do to see results.